Wednesday, February 3, 2010

City Chat Cafe

It has been almost 1 year since this international exchange meeting started.
City Chat Cafe is organized by Tsukuba University, and you can communicate with Tsukuba citizen in English or Japanese. If you can't speak
English or Japanese fluently, don't worry. There are some language supporters.
I haven't been there because I have little children, but I heard 90% participants are Japanese. I think it is good opportunity to make Japanese friends, and to ask Japanese life.
The cafe is held 1 or 2 times a month. There is no charge for entry, and no reservation is needed.
Next cafe will be open on Feb. 14th (Sun) 2010, 14:00~16:00
at LALA Club in LALA Garden Map
place of LALA Club:
Website :

You can bring your kids even he/she is under elementary school.
This is the notes about the children↓

Chidren are very welcome at City Chat Cafe but there are a few rules.

・City chat cafe is not an educational activity for children. There will be staff present to play with the children but they are not responsible for them. Please make sure they are always in your sight.

・Children up to and including elementary school are welcome to join our staff for games.

・Once the children have joined the group, they need to stay there and should not wander the room.

・Please make sure your child is well before joining the cafe. If your child is sick, they cannot join the cafe.

・We have a small collection of activities for the children. Please use them in the cafe and use them carefully.


Unknown said...

I know this gathering but I've never been there as well. Wondering if they allow people bring kids there?


Kumi said...

Hi Fei!
This is the notes about the children↓

Chidren are very welcome at City Chat Cafe but there are a few rules.

・City chat cafe is not an educational activity for children. There will be staff present to play with the children but they are not responsible for them. Please make sure they are always in your sight.

・Children up to and including elementary school are welcome to join our staff for games.

・Once the children have joined the group, they need to stay there and should not wander the room.

・Please make sure your child is well before joining the cafe. If your child is sick, they cannot join the cafe.

・We have a small collection of activities for the children. Please use them in the cafe and use them carefully.