Thursday, December 6, 2007

Private Kindergarten (私立幼稚園)

Private Kindergarten (私立幼稚園) is
For the children whose age are 3,4,5 year's old. ( Some kindergarten has the child care for under 3 years.)
School time: 8:30~ around 14:00 ( Some kindergarten has extra hour day care 14:00 ~ 18:00 )

Fee: It is different each kindergarten.
entrance (register) fee :40000~70000 yen
teaching and care fee :about 20000 yen/ month
lunch fee: 3500~yen/ month
school bus fee: 3000~yen/ month

These are list of home page( in Japanese) if it has, and address, telephone number.
Tsukuba City (from North to South) Map
Tsukubashikougakuen(筑波枝光学園)幼稚園 つくば市大貫104 , 029-867-1317
Yoshinuma(吉沼)幼稚園 つくば市吉沼4138, 029-865-1575
Inaho(いなほ)幼稚園   つくば市前野1860-1, 029-864-2222
Toyosatomomiji(豊里もみじ)幼稚園  つくば市土田13-34, 029-847-2830
Sakae(栄)幼稚園     つくば市松塚667 , 029-857-2231
Tsukubashiraho(つくば)白帆幼稚園   つくば市小野崎427-1 , 029-864-6464
Aobadai-Daini (あおば台第二)幼稚園 つくば市上の室前坪305-3,  029-857-8515
Academia(アカデミア)幼稚園   つくば市下横場425, 029-836-5951
Minori(みのり)幼稚園 つくば市高崎643-9, 029-873-2540
Seikei(成蹊)幼稚園 つくば市天宝喜663, 029-873-8251

Tsutiura city(土浦市) (from North to South) Map
Chuuou(中央)幼稚園 土浦市神立中央2-1-18, 029-831-2103
Tsutiura-midori(土浦みどり)幼稚園  土浦市並木4-1-36, 029-822-7090
Momiji-daini(もみじ第二)幼稚園 土浦市若松町1-73, 029-822-5987
(つくば国際短期大学附属)幼稚園 土浦市真鍋6-6-9, 029-826-5146
Manabe(まなべ)幼稚園   土浦市真鍋4-6-18, 029-821-0311
Manabe-sumire(まなべすみれ)幼稚園 土浦市東真鍋町22-11, 029-824-3522
Tsutiura-seibo(土浦聖母)幼稚園  土浦市大町9-6, 029-823-1460
Momiji(もみじ)幼稚園  土浦市下高津2-10-22 , 029-821-1645
Shiraho(白帆)幼稚園 土浦市蓮河原新町8-30, 029-823-2695
Amakawa(天川)幼稚園 土浦市天川1-4-19 , o29-821-4126
   土浦市桜ヶ丘町17-45, 029-822-0696
Aobadai(あおば台)幼稚園 土浦市右籾宮塚2755, 029-842-6311
Nakamura-shirayuri(中村白百合)幼稚園 土浦市中村南5-31-1, 029-841-5885
Hitachi-gakuin(ひたち学院)幼稚園 土浦市乙戸1029-1, 029-842-7107

Usiku city(牛久市) (from North to South) Map
Hitachinousiku(ひたち野牛久)幼稚園  牛久市東猯穴827-2, 029-843-1120
Kobato(こばと)幼稚園   牛久市猪子町828-33, 029-873-0147
Usiku(牛久)幼稚園   牛久市上柏田3-8-3,  029-874-2246
Friend(フレンド)幼稚園  牛久市柏田町3489-2, 029-873-7435
Kawai(かわい)幼稚園   牛久市岡見町2387, 029-872-7887
Usiku-bunka(牛久文化)幼稚園 牛久市遠山町643-2, 029-873-8253

Ami-machi(阿見町) (from North to South) Map
ふたば幼稚園 稲敷郡阿見町阿見3237-1, 029-887-0055
阿見幼稚園 稲敷郡阿見町阿見5205-2, 029-887-7388
荒川沖幼稚園 稲敷郡阿見町荒川本郷おて橋1364-8, 029-842-6609
阿見みどり幼稚園 稲敷郡阿見町鈴木25-10, 029-887-7471

How to apply:If you are interested in some, you can call and make an appointment of visitation. It is good to see the kindergarten's atmosphere, teacher's character, circumstances. Before you choose the kindergarten, It's better to make your prefer list.
My prefer list is here.
#1It is helpful to working mother ( I have part time job 1~2 times a week, so it is better that the kindergarten has extra hour day care, even in the summer vacation.)
#2 It serves lunch ( I'm not good at making lunch box.)
#3 Teachers have good character.
#4 Not so far

You can look around in any season. But some kindergarten have special day and month to look around. If you want to see Aobadai-daini (あおば台第二), and Nakamurashirayuri(中村白百合) kindergarten, you can make an appointment only on September. So I think it is good idea to start to see and choose the kindergarten from August or September. If you choose one, get the application form from the kindergarten and submit it there. The submit day is around October or November , and the class starts from April next year. You can choose the kindergarten in even Ushiku city and Tsutsiura city though you live in Tsukuba city. Tsukuba city gives you 3000 yen/month money-help if it is permitted private kindergarten.

I'll write about each private kindergarten next.


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Anonymous said...
