Sunday, December 2, 2007

Public Kindergarten(公立幼稚園)

Public Kindergarten(公立幼稚園) (A kind of Permitted preschool)

Children's age are 4years or 5years.
School time: 9:00~14:00 ( Monday to Friday )
Fee: 8900yen/month (It serves lunch 5days a week ) 8200yen (It serves lunch 4days a week )
Tukuba (筑波), Namiki(並木),Iwasaki(岩崎)Kindergarten have extra-hour chuid care 7:30~9:00, 14:00~18:30
until16:00--6000yen/month, until 18:30--13000yen/month

Tsukuba's 18 public kindergarten web page

The main education is "Playing". Teacher prepares some toys, and text, and children can play as they like. Some children read books, some children draw picture. It is called "jiyuu-hoiku (自由保育)".On the other hand, singing together, and reading together are called "issei-hoiku(一斉保育)". That issei-hoiku time is little in the public kindergarten. Teachers are veteran, and teachers move one kindergarten to another. So every kindergarten is almost the same. I think public kindergarten has more room than private kindergarten. I mean private kindergarten is more popular because more and more Japanese mother have job.

How to apply: You can check the place of kindergarten near your hause at the web page. If you are not sure which is near, then call 029−836-1111(gakumuka 学務課). If you go to the kindergarten, it has application form. You can also download the application form in this web page.
After you fill out the application form, you can go to the kindergarten you chose on the biggining of November. ( This year, the day was 1~7th November.) You also have to bring hanko(印鑑),mother note (母子手帳),registration of foreigner(外国人登録証)if you have, and go with your child.

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