Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Day Care for Sick Child

If your child is sick, and you can't use the regular day care, these Day Care would help you.If your child is suffered from Influenza, or high fever (over 38.5 C, 101F), or serious disease, your child won't be accepted. But it is acceptable when your child has a little fever, diarrhea, Measles, Rubella, Mumps, Chicken Pox,etc... and physical damage like bone fracture. It is better that you call the Day Care to make an appointment a day ahead. Next morning, you can go there and fill out an application form. If you take mother-children note (母子手帳 bositechou ), health insurance card, and signet (印鑑 inkan ), alien registration card, the procedure will be smooth.

Peter Pan for sick child(病後児保育施設ピーターパン)
in the same building of Tsukuba Kinen Hospital. Map
029-864-1212, Mon~Fri [8:00~18:00], Sat[8:00~13:00], 0~5 year's old 2000 yen/day, lunch 500 yen
You have to take clothes, diaper, bottle, milk, spoon, cup, bath towel, 2 towels, 5 plastic bags, toys, drink ,snacks.

Sakura Gakuen Day Care (さくら学園保育園)
Look at "Temporary Day Care"

Child Club PANSEE (チャイルド・クラブ・パンセ)
Look at "Private Day Care"

Harmony (ハーモニー )
Look at "Private Day Care"

Child Land Tsukuba ( チャイルドランドつくば)
Look at "Private Day Care"

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