Monday, January 14, 2008

Matsubara Women's Clinic

I saw the new information about obstetrician's and gynecologists in TAIRA. I will quote it. Thank you Christine for the useful information!

Christine said....
"Friends of mine have just recently opened their own women's clinic. The husband and wife couple are both obstetrician's and gynecologists. Naoko and Kenji Matsubara have excellent English skills and are kind and caring people.

Matsubara Women's Clinic Map
Address: 2018-7 Arakawahongo, Ami-machi, Inashiki-gun (near Arakawaoki station)
Phone: 029-830-5151
Website: (in Japanese only, but have a look at the pics - nice!)

Clinic hours:
Weekdays - 09:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:30
Holidays - Wednesday, Saturday afternoons and Sundays
and national holidays all day "

The following is my additional information of Matsubara Women's Clinic.

If it is the first visit, you don't have to make an appointment. You could make an online appointment using PC or cell phone next time. You can also make the next appointment at the first visit.
You could have pregnant check , and give birth. There are 2 rooms of LDR (labor, delivery, recovery) , and 1 room of them has no bed. You can deliver in the best position that you feel easy. Admission to the hospital for delivery is 4 nights, and the cost is around 450000 yen. Your husband could attend the birth. There are 8 private rooms and more 1 room for 3 pregnant mothers. After giving birth, the baby and mother are in a same room.

gynecology: You could have the breast and uterus cancer screening, treatment of menopause, oriental medicine, anti aging supplement.

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