Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mochi (rice cake)

Let's eat Mochi in several ways!

Sweet Walnut Sauce (くるみもち kurumi-mochi)

walnut 50g
sugar 50g
soy sauce 1 table spoons
hot water 1/4 cup (50cc )

Toss all the ingredients in a blender.

It's done.

Bake Mochi in the gas grill in 3 minutes and turn over, more 2minutes in smallest heat.

Let's eat!

I made a lot of walnut sauce, so I'm going to use the sauce on boiled string bean(いんげん), and spinach(ほうれんそう).

Soy Sauce and Nori (いそべ巻きisobemaki)

Dip the baked mochi in soy sauce.

Put nori. Isobemaki is done!

Soybean Flour (きなこもちkinako-mochi)

Prepare Kinako 2table spoons, suger 2 tabel spoons, and a pinch of salt.
Mix them well.

Soak the baked mochi in hot water.

Coat with Kinako.

Sugar (1Tbs) mixed soy sauce (1/2 Teaspn) is also good sauce of mochi. It is easy and my favorite.
Enjoy Mochi!

1 comment:

Beebee said...

I ate mochi ricecake with Korean gochujang (Korean spicy red miso paste) and NORI seaweed.

Mochi with natto is also okay...or with kimchi. I eat mochi with practically anything...but beware, as some foreigners don't know that one piece of mochi is almost equivalent to a small bowl of rice! They are small and it is easy to overindulge in them!