Thursday, August 7, 2008

Family Support Service in Tsukuba

I had been a working mother until last month. My son goes to a kindergarten having extra childcare. Sometimes he got a cold, and his teacher called me and said " Please pick him up quickly." But sometimes it was very hard or impossible for me because of work, so my husband picked him up and took care of him taking a paid holiday. Our parents live in Nagano that is very far from Tsukuba, so we can't expect our parent's help. I registered with "Harmony" and the stuff helped us next day when my son got a fever. It is very nice day care, but it can't support sudden fever, I mean "today's fever up". Now I'm thinking return to work after giving birth second child, and I need more help. So I registered with 2 support service centers witch are provided by Tsukuba city and national government.

Family Support Service provided Tsukuba city (つくば子育てサポートサービス)
Registered supporters who are used to taking care of children and live in Tsukuba help you with volunteer spirit. (But it is not free.)

When do I use this service?
If you want to work a few times a week, but your child is too young to use childcare.
→The supporter comes to your house, and takes care of your child.

When your child has a fever, and the usual childcare is not available.
→After your child got the doctor's opinion, the supporter takes care of your child during recovery.

When you want to go to the dentist, or any other hospital.
When you want to study at PC school to return to work.
After you gave birth, you need a help to play with elder child, and do housework.
→The supporter will help you.

Fee : 9:00~17:00 --- 800 yen/ hour on weekday, 1000 yen/ hour on Saturday and Sunday.
overtime use---1000 yen / hour on weekday, 1200 yen/ hour on Saturday and Sunday.
The fee is for 1 child. If you have a second child, there will be a 200 yen extra surcharge added per hour.

If you want to use this service, you have to register at the Tsukuba city office (桜庁舎 Map) on 2F. You can be a user or/ and supporter. Bring hanko (印鑑).
I heard some supporters speak English.

Web site :

This is private day care which I already registered.
Harmony (ハーモニー ) : 029-851-3283, everyday [24 hours], 1 month~elementary school children 1250 yen/ hour~[9:00~17:00] ,1550 yen/ hour~[17:00~] It is private house. There are big room 1F and 2F, and yard. Map

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