Friday, January 11, 2008

Private Day Care

Private Day Care is not approved by the nation because it is out of the law. So the city doesn't give money help. But Private Day Care gives many good service according to each mother's needs. For example, some Day Care open 24 hour's, or you can use it just 1~2 hours for any reason. There are some Day Care that teachers speak English all the time.
The cost is much expensive than permitted ones, and the cost depends on the age of the child. I will write about the case of temporary use, but if you use regularly, like 2~3 times a week, you can become the member. If you are member, though member fee is needed at first, you could use it for much reasonable price. The way to apply is the same as permitted ones.

Private Day Care in Tsukuba city : phone number, daycare time, cost, others, Map
Aozora Day Care (あおぞら保育園) : 029-856-3380, everyday [8:30~17:30, extra hour : 24 hours], o~2 year's old 7000 yen/ day, 3~6 year's old 5000 yen / day. There are 7 rooms and yard.

Apple Town (アップルタウン): 029-857-6519, everyday[8:00~17:00, extra hour : 24 hours], 6 months~ 7 year's old 3000 yen/ 3 hours, There are 3 rooms and yard.

茨城(Ibaraki )YMCA: 029-861-8616,Mon~Fri[8:00〜18:00], 1~4 year's old, For example: If you use 3 days a week, the cost is 30000 yen/ month, 25000 yen entrance fee is needed at first. Teachers are Japanese, and have good skill of speaking English.

Kids International Tsukuba (キッズインターナショナルつくば) : 029-863-7210, Mon~Fri[9:00~18:00, extra hour : 8:30~, ~18:30], 1 year's old: 1575 yen/ hour,2 year's old: 1260 yen/ hour, 3 year's old:1050 yen/ hour, and 3150 yen registration fee is needed at first. There are big 4 rooms but no yard. Teachers speaks English all the time.

Kids Club Rabbit (キッツクラブらびっと) : 029-858-2711, Mon~Sat [7:30~20:00], Sun[8:00~18:00], 43 days after birth~ 5 year's old 900 yen/ hour, It is ordinary private house. There are 3 rooms and yard.

Child Club PENSEE (チャイルド・クラブ・パンセ) : 029-861-1500, everyday [24 hours], 0 year's old:1100 yen/ hour, 1 year's old:1050 yen/ hour, 2 year's old:1000 yen/ hour,3 year's old: 950 yen/ hour, 4 year's old:900 yen/ hour, 5 year's old: 850 yen/ hour, There is 106 m2 space for child care, but no yard. It has baby-sitter service (2000 yen/ hour ). There is English speaker from Canada.

Harmony (ハーモニー ) : 029-851-3283, everyday [24 hours], 1 month~elementary school children 1250 yen/ hour~[9:00~17:00] ,1550 yen/ hour~[17:00~] It is like private house. There are big room 1F and 2F, and yard. It has baby-sitter service.

Applique (保育ママ「あっぷりけ」) : 029-851-7086, Mon~Fri [8:30~17:00], o~1 year's old 1050 yen/ hour, 2~5 year's old 850 yen / hour, elementary school child 700 yen/hour, There are 2 rooms ,but no yard. It is private apartment #303.

Sumire Day Care(すみれ保育園) : 029-858-1202, Mon~Fri [8:00~18:00],Sat[8:30~13:30] ,2 months~5 year's old 1000 yen/ hour, 50000 yen entrance fee is needed at first. There are big 4 rooms and yard.

Child Land Tsukuba ( チャイルドランドつくば) : 029-849-2020, everyday [24 hours], 3 months ~7 year's old 1100 yen/ hour[7:00~17:00] 1600 yen/hour[17:00~], 3000 yen registration fee is needed at first. There are 3 rooms but no yard.

Haiji Day Care (ハイジ保育園) : 029-847-2030, Mon~Sat [8:00~18:00], 2 months~3 year's old 800 yen/ hour, There is 1 room and yard.

Yurikago Day Care (ゆりかご保育園) : 029-852-3791, Mon~Fri [9:00~17:00, extra hour : 7:00~, ~21:00], o~3 year's old 1000yen/hour or 6500 yen/day. There are 5 rooms and yard.

Child Care International(チャイルドケア インターナショナル): 029- 858-0048,  4months~4 year's old, Teachers speaks English all the time.

TINS(Tsukuba International Nursery School) : 029-848-0708,Mon~Fri[7:30〜17:00], o~5 year's old, 63000 yen/ month, 125000 yen entrance fee is needed at first.Teachers speaks English all the time.

Tsukuba Montessori
Children can learn independency and broaden the intellect on the basis of Montessori education. The class is very small, so teacher can take good care of each child. Sometimes different aged children get together to play and study.
3 year's old: about 10 children , 1 class
4 year's old: about 10 children , 1 class
5 year's old: about 10 children , 1 class total 20~30, 4 teachers
Time: Monday-Friday [8:30~15:00]
entrance fee 150000 yen at first, monthly cost 42000 yen
No Extra Hour Child care 15:00~17:00 , 1000 yen/hour
Lunch:Children have to take lunch box everyday.
Open day: anytime

Megumi Church Mana Day Care

(土浦めぐみ教会付属マナ愛児園 Tsutiura Megumi kyoukai huzoku Mana Aijien )

There are some international friends in the day care, and teachers make great effort to talk with them, and understand them. Each class is small, so teacher takes care of children well. Children listen to the story of the Bible, and pray everyday.
2 year's old: 8 children , 1 class
3 year's old: 22 children , 1 class
4 year's old: 12 children , 1 class
5 year's old: 20 children , 1 class total 62, 8 teachers
Time: 9:00~14:00
Extra Hour Child care: 14:00~17:00 200 yen/hour
Cost: entrance fee 50000 yen , 2 year's old : 17000 yen/ month, 3 year's old : 16000 yen/ month, 4,5 year's old : 15000 yen/ month
Lunch: Children have to take lunch box everyday.
Open day: June~
Apply: October 1st~

Liberty International School: 855-0177,Mon~Fri[9:30〜14:30 extra hour ~17:30(18000 yen/month)], 3.5 ~4 year's old, 40000 yen/ month, 5 ~6 year's old, 55000 yen/ month, 40000 yen entrance fee is needed at first.Teachers speaks English all the time.

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