Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Power Yoga

My friend told me a Yoga group activity which you can join with your child.
They accept any age of mothers & children. Beginners are welcomed. Mothers do Yoga and children play with toys around mothers.

Power Yoga
Day & Time: every Monday, 10:30~11:30
Place : shimana community center (島名公民館) Map
Fee : 4000 yen/month
Bring your room shoes, towel, drink, Yoga mat or bath towel.

You can try 1 lesson for free.
Detail : yoshirenjer5(at)softbank(dot)ne(dot)jp


Beebee said...

Hi Kumi

Every Monday at Ninomiya kouminkan we have aerobics. CHildren are taken care of by an experienced daycare woman and some volunteer uni students (future teachers) and mothers can do exercise in another room. Fee is ...4times a month for example, 2000yen plus 200yen each time for the insurance babysitting cost. So total....2800 this month. Very nice and children can enjoy playing at jidokan w/many toys, books, etc!

Anu said...

Hi Kumi-san,
I would like to know information about yoga classes conducted in kouminkan. Kindly let me know if you have any information.I browsed but couldn't find anything.:(